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Is there a way to calculate my AP CSP score before results come out?

I just took my AP CSP exam and am trying not to freak out over my score. Does anyone know of a calculator or method to estimate what I might have scored?

9 months ago

I understand that waiting for AP scores can be nerve-wracking, but try not to worry too much! Unfortunately, there isn't an official way to calculate your AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) score before the results are released. The scoring process involves both your performance on the multiple-choice section and the tasks you submitted, which are assessed by a combination of automated scoring and human reviewers.

However, you can get a rough idea of your performance by reflecting on how you felt about the multiple-choice questions and the feedback you received on the tasks during the course. In the meantime, focus on the other aspects of your education, and before you know it, results day will be here. Lastly, remember that while AP scores can be important, they are not the sole factor in your academic journey or college admissions process. Keep up the great work, and no matter what your score is, you have gained valuable knowledge and skills from the experience.

9 months ago

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