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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Wrapping Up My Essay - How?

Yo, I've been hammering away at my college essays and I'm kinda stuck on conclusions. Anyone got some solid strategies on how to end an essay with a bang?

a year ago

Hey! I feel you on the conclusion struggle. Here are few strategies that may help you.

One way to end with a bang is to revisit the main theme or idea you introduced at the beginning of your essay. It's like coming full circle and can create a strong sense of closure.

Another tactic is to end with a call to action or an insight gained from your experiences, giving readers a thought-provoking takeaway.

Finally, you could try using a powerful quote or anecdote that captures the essence of your essay and leaves a lasting impression.

Just make sure not to introduce any new ideas in the conclusion – you want to wrap up what you've already discussed instead of throwing in something random. Hope that gives you some ideas and helps you finish strong!

a year ago

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