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Are there HBCUs with physical therapy programs?

Hey guys, I'm really into sports medicine and I'm looking at physical therapy programs for my college career. Do any HBCUs offer degrees in physical therapy?

a year ago

Absolutely! Several Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) offer physical therapy programs. Notably, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) offers a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program, which is a great option for students looking to jump right into the profession. Additionally, other HBCUs like Howard University and Hampton University also have fantastic DPT programs that can prepare you for a fulfilling career in the field of sports medicine and physical therapy.

Keep in mind when applying to these programs that each institution may have specific prerequisites and admission requirements. Be sure to review their websites for detailed information on applying to their DPT programs. Good luck on your journey into the field of physical therapy, and don't hesitate to pursue your passion at an HBCU!

a year ago

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