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SAT: 720 math
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Harvard Double Major

Has anyone here navigated the process of double majoring at Harvard, or knows someone who has? What's that like? Can you share about the process and your experience juggling two majors?

9 months ago

Hey! It's essential to know that Harvard calls their majors 'concentrations,' because these indicate students' primary academic focus.

From what I've heard, double concentrating is totally possible, but you'll need to be strategic with your course planning. The process involves declaring each concentration separately and fulfilling the required courses for both. You'll work closely with your academic advisors from both departments to ensure you're on track.

Juggling two concentrations can be challenging, but it's also a rewarding experience, especially if you're passionate about both fields. The key is time management, forming connections with professors, and staying engaged with coursework.

To help balance the workload, some students decide to pursue a secondary field (similar to a minor) instead of a full double concentration. This option allows you to further explore an area of interest without the full commitment of completing all the requirements for a second concentration.

Remember the decision also depends on what concentrations you're considering, as some combinations may have a more manageable workload than others.

9 months ago

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