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Harvard vs. Wharton for undergrad business—any insights?

Trying not to freak out here, but how does Harvard's undergraduate economics track stack up against Wharton's undergrad business program? I'm looking for the best springboard into a finance career. Any alumni or current students with thoughts on this?

a year ago

Congratulations on having such wonderful options! You really can't go wrong with either choice. Both Harvard and Wharton are prestigious institutions that will provide a solid foundation for your finance career.

Harvard's undergraduate economics track emphasizes a strong theoretical and quantitative background, preparing you well for graduate school or employment in the world of finance. However, Harvard's economics major is not explicitly a business program, so you might need to supplement your education with relevant internships, extracurricular activities, and focused electives in finance.

On the other hand, Wharton's undergraduate business program is specifically tailored for those interested in a business career. It provides a wide range of finance-focused courses, hands-on opportunities, and access to a robust alumni network within the finance industry.

Ultimately, it's about where you feel the best fit lies. Visit both campuses, attend a few classes if possible, and talk to current students and alumni to get a sense of the culture surrounding each program. Take note of factors like class size, available resources, and other student life opportunities that might appeal to you. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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