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How to Write a 'Why Major?' Essay?

I'm struggling to write my 'Why Major?' essay for a few schools. Any advice on what I should focus on, and how to make it sound passionate and genuine? I would appreciate your thoughts!

a year ago

I totally understand the challenge of writing a 'Why Major?' essay that feels genuine and passionate! Here are a few tips to consider when crafting your essay:

1. Reflect on what sparked your interest in that major: This could be a specific experience, event, or personal story that inspired you to pursue this field. Sharing personal anecdotes can make your essay more engaging and authentic.

2. Do some research on the program at the schools you're applying to: Find unique courses, professors, research opportunities, or other resources available in that major at each school, and explain why they appeal to you. This shows that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in their offerings.

3. Link your major to long-term goals: Discuss how studying this major will help you achieve your career or life goals. This can demonstrate a strong sense of purpose and commitment to your chosen field.

4. Show how you've explored the subject outside of school: If you've participated in extracurriculars, internships, or other experiences related to the major, mention these to demonstrate that you've already been engaged with the subject and are serious about pursuing it further.

For a more in-depth look at the "Why This Major?" essay, check out this CollegeVine article:

Finally, be true to yourself and your passions. The more honest and sincere you can be in your essay, the more likely it is to resonate with admissions officers. Good luck with your essay!

a year ago

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