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SAT: 720 math
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Harvard vs. Yale—How do I decide which is a better fit?

Hey everyone, I'm torn between Harvard and Yale for my ED application. Both seem amazing, but I'm struggling to pinpoint which university would be a better fit for me considering the vibe, academic flexibility, and extracurricular opportunities. What are some factors I should consider when making my decision?

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering both Harvard and Yale for your ED application! Both are outstanding institutions, but they do have slight differences that can help you choose the best fit for you. Firstly, consider the campus and surrounding area atmosphere. Harvard is located in bustling Cambridge, while Yale is in a more traditional, collegiate city (New Haven).

Secondly, think about the academic flexibility you need and how their undergraduate programs compare within your area of interest, including faculty and research opportunities.

Don't forget to review their extracurricular offerings, as getting involved in clubs and organizations outside the classroom is essential for personal growth. Finally, I'd recommend speaking with current students or attending open houses for both universities (virtually or in-person) to get a feel for the 'vibe' and campus culture.

Ultimately, choosing between Harvard and Yale comes down to personal preference, so evaluate and rank the importance of these factors based on your goals, priorities, and values. Good luck!

a year ago

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