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How important is joining a High School Honors Society?

Is it a big deal if I don't join my school's honor society? Will it impact my college applications much? I have other ECs I'm committed to and I'm wondering how to prioritize.

a year ago

While joining an honor society can be a positive addition to your college application, it's not a make-or-break factor. Your focus should be on the extracurricular activities you're already passionate about and committed to. It's essential to prioritize the quality of your involvement and demonstrate your growth, leadership, and impact through those activities.

When considering the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars, a high school honor society would typically fall into Tier 3 or 4, depending on your level of involvement and leadership roles you take on. For more on the 4 Tiers of Extracurricular Activities, check out this CollegeVine article:

Most successful applicants to top colleges have 8-10 total extracurriculars, and they’re highly involved in a few of them. So, it's crucial to consider your bandwidth and interests before adding another activity to your plate.

In summary, not joining a high school honor society won't significantly impact your college applications as long as you maintain a strong academic and extracurricular profile. Focus on the activities you enjoy and excel in, and remember that top colleges are interested in students with a highly developed specialty—a 'spike'—more so than those who are individually 'well-rounded.'

a year ago

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