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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Best Resources for SAT Heart of Algebra Section?

The Heart of Algebra section is kinda giving me trouble right now. Does anyone have recommendations for study resources or strategies that really worked for them?

9 months ago

I know how challenging the Heart of Algebra section can be! There are a few resources I'd recommend to help you improve in this area. One useful resource is Khan Academy, which offers free SAT prep tailored to your skill level. They have specific sections dedicated to various SAT math topics, including Heart of Algebra, with practice questions and video explanations.

Another great resource is CollegeVine, which provides lots of tips and strategies for SAT test prep. They also offer innovative tools such as a chancing engine, essay guides, and an essay prompt database. You can find insight about the SAT's Heart of Algebra section in their blogs and articles.

Last but not least, never underestimate the impact of working through official College Board practice tests. These tests give you a feel for the actual SAT and help build endurance. As you practice, analyze your mistakes and weak areas, and focus on improving them. Good luck in your preparation!

9 months ago

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