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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Will being in AVID help my college application stand out?

Hey everyone, I've been actively involved in my school's AVID program since freshman year and have taken leadership roles. How much will this involvement help differentiate my college application? Should I emphasize my AVID experience in my essays?

a year ago

First of all, congrats on being consistent and proactive in your school's AVID program! Your dedication to the program and your leadership roles will undoubtedly make a favorable impression on your college application. AVID participation shows that you value academic growth and improving collaborative skills, which colleges often appreciate.

While being in AVID is a positive addition to your application, it's essential to remember that colleges value a well-crafted 'spike' or highly-developed specialty as well. If your AVID experience ties into your educational and career goals, it could be meaningful to include it in your essays, but only if it genuinely enhances your story and isn’t overshadowing your primary focus or specialty.

So, yes, AVID will be a valuable extracurricular to list on your application, but make sure to balance it with other strong accomplishments, such as leadership roles in subject-related clubs, excellent grades, or significant projects showcasing your unique skills and interests. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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