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How to Use the Naval Academy Admissions Candidate Portal?

I've started my application to the U.S. Naval Academy, but I'm a little confused about navigating the Candidate Portal. What are the key features, and how often should I be checking it for updates?

22 days ago

The Naval Academy Admissions Candidate Portal is a central part of the application process. It's instrumental in managing and tracking your application's progress.

Firstly, the Home screen aggregates your application details. There, you can find your status, personal information, deadlines, and any important notifications. Generally, the application process comprises seven main sections: personal data, nomination, high school transcript, standardized testing, medical exam, fitness assessment, and character assessment. Each of these sections can be expanded for more information on their individual pages.

In the "Personal Data" section, you'll fill out information about your contact details, family, and prior military service, if any.

The "Nomination" section provides information on where you stand in terms of receiving a nomination. Remember, securing a nomination from a legitimate source (like a local congressman/woman or senator) is crucial in the application process. Key updates regarding your nomination status will be posted here.

"Transcript" section is where you'll upload your official high school or post-high school transcripts. You can also list down your senior year courses here if you are still in progress of completing your high school.

The "Standardized Testing" section will ask for your SAT or ACT scores. You should keep this part updated as you get your test results, as they play a vital role in your application review.

The "Medical Exam" section contains information about your medical exam status, requirements, and results. This also includes a DoDMERB medical exam that evaluates your physical suitability for the academy.

The "Fitness Assessment" section details the Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA). It's crucial to start training as soon as possible for this physical fitness test—it's a major component of your application.

Finally, the "Character Assessment" section is where your personal character and leadership skills will be evaluated through teacher/counselor recommendations and essays.

As for how often you should check the Candidate Portal—it's a good idea to check it once a week during application season, just to stay on top of any updates or needed action items. Keep in mind each section's completion status is usually updated in a few days once the related documents are received by the Academy.

Navigating through your Candidate Portal doesn't have to be a complicated process. Just take it one step at a time, and remember to regularly check your application's progress.

Remember, the process can be intensive but it's part of your journey to joining the ranks of the Naval Academy. Good luck with your application!

22 days ago

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