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How do I cancel an AP test?

Hey, I realized I should probably withdraw from an AP test this year. What's the proper way to go about canceling an AP test registration and is there any penalty for doing so?

a year ago

Hey! I understand that sometimes plans change and you may need to cancel an AP exam registration. To do so, you'll want to get in touch with the AP Coordinator at your school, who is responsible for managing the AP exam registrations. Just let them know that you'd like to cancel the exam and they'll guide you through the process.

Keep in mind that the College Board does have a cancellation policy in place. As of the last time I checked, they charge a $40 cancellation fee for exams that are canceled after November 15 (for May exams) or April 30 (for November exams). You should double-check on the official College Board website or ask your AP Coordinator for the most up-to-date information on cancellation fees.

Remember, it's important to carefully consider if canceling an AP exam is the right move for you before making a decision. Best of luck!

a year ago

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