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Any cool research topics for high school students?

Heyy! So I've got this research assignment coming up, and I'm struggling to find an interesting topic. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!

11 months ago

Hey there! I totally understand the struggle to find an interesting research topic. Here are a few suggestions that might spark your interest:

1. Artificial intelligence: Explore its impacts on society and potential ethical concerns.

2. Mental health: Investigate the effects of social media on the mental well-being of high school students.

3. Climate change: Analyze innovative solutions, like renewable energy sources or carbon capture technologies, and identify their feasibility.

4. Gene editing: Examine the potential benefits and ethical implications of CRISPR technology.

5. Space exploration: Research the future possibilities of space tourism and colonization.

Remember to choose a topic that genuinely interests you, as it'll make the research process more enjoyable and engaging. Don't be afraid to narrow down your focus within a broader topic, allowing you to delve deeper into a specific issue. Best of luck with your research assignment!

11 months ago

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