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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Recalculating GPA by colleges

Hello everyone! I just learned that some colleges recalculate your GPA during the admissions process. Can someone explain how this is done and what factors colleges consider when recalculating your GPA?

a year ago

Hi there! Yes, it's true that some colleges do recalculate your GPA during the admissions process. This is typically done to create a standardized GPA across all applicants that the college can use to compare academic performance. The process may vary slightly depending on the institution, but there are some general steps that many colleges follow.

First, they often remove any extra weight given to honors, AP, or IB classes, as these may vary between high schools. Next, they may only consider core courses such as English, math, social studies, science, and foreign languages and leave out electives, physical education, and other non-core classes.

Colleges will then assign a standard weight (e.g., A = 4, B = 3, and so on) and recalculate the GPA using their specific scale. Some colleges may also factor in other components, like the strength of your overall courseload and the rigor of your classes, to ensure a fair comparison across applicants. Hope this helps!

a year ago

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