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Logging Community Service Hours?

Hey everyone! I've been doing some volunteering recently, and I realized I need to keep track of my community service hours for college applications. What's the best way to log these hours and make sure they're verified? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're volunteering and thinking about keeping a record for your college applications. To log your community service hours and ensure they're verified, you can follow a few simple steps:

1. Maintain a Service Log: Use a spreadsheet or a digital platform like a Google Sheets or Excel to track the important details of your service. Make sure to include the date, name of the organization, nature of the volunteer work, and hours spent volunteering for each instance.

2. Verification: It's a good idea to ask a supervisor at the organization where you volunteer to sign off on your hours after completing a project or set number of hours. This not only verifies your serving hours but also establishes a relationship with the supervisor who could potentially write a recommendation letter for your college applications in the future.

3. Backup Documents: Consider keeping a folder of any certificates, emails, or letters you receive from the organization. These documents can serve as proof of your involvement and the hours you've completed.

Following these steps should help you keep track of your community service hours effectively. Also check with your school if they have a specific reporting mechanism that they want you to log your hours through, as this can sometimes vary by high schools. Good luck with your volunteering endeavors and college applications!

a year ago

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