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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where can I find internships for high school students in San Francisco?

I live in SF and I'm entering junior year. I really want to get some internship experience before I graduate. Can anyone recommend where to look or good opportunities for high school students in the San Francisco area?

a year ago

Hey there! It's great to hear that you're eager to gain some internship experience during high school. There are several resources and platforms where you can search for internships and opportunities specifically tailored for high school students in the San Francisco area. Some popular websites to start with include Handshake, Indeed, and LinkedIn. You might also want to explore local organizations or nonprofits in your area, as they sometimes offer internships or volunteer positions specifically for high schoolers.

In addition to online platforms, consider reaching out to your school's guidance counselor or college and career center. They might have a list of local opportunities or connections with companies and organizations that offer internships to high school students. Another approach is to directly contact organizations or companies you're interested in working for (try searching for specific industries or fields you're passionate about) and inquire about any open positions or internships available for high school students.

Best of luck with your internship search, and I hope you find a position that suits your interests and goals!

a year ago

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