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How to become a tank driver in the military?

I've always been fascinated by tanks, and I'm considering a career as a tank driver in the military. What kind of training is required? Are there any specific qualifications or experience needed to get into military tank driver jobs?

3 months ago

As someone who has counseled many students interested in the military, I can attest that becoming a tank driver can be an exciting career choice, but it also requires a commitment to the physical and mental challenges that come with military service.

Your journey would start with enlisting in the military. In the U.S, the branch of the military known for tank operation is the U.S Army, specifically their Armor branch. It's important to note that the recruitment process often involves tests to evaluate your mental and physical fitness, such as the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), a multi-aptitude test that helps determine your qualifications for enlistment in the U.S. Army.

After enlistment, training begins with Basic Combat Training (BCT), which every recruit goes through. It is a 10-week training course that will give you a basic understanding of combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare, and more.

Once you've finished your BCT, you'll then move onto Advanced Individual Training (AIT). For aspiring tank operators, this usually involves a 15-week training program as a part of One Station Unit Training (OSUT) course for Armor. During this AIT, you'll learn how to maintain, operate, and shoot with tank weaponry, work in different types of tanks, and become skilled in maneuver techniques.

Remember that, as a tank operator, you'll have to work under stressful conditions, have a good level of physical fitness, and be able to work well in a team. Given that tank operation is a highly-specialized skill, the military places high importance on discipline, cooperation, and mechanical aptitude.

The final stages of your AIT would likely involve simulations and hands-on experiences where you could use the knowledge and training you've gained throughout your training periods.

While prior experience isn't necessary to become a tank driver, having a strong interest in mechanics and physical stamina can definitely be an advantage. We definitely recommend consulting a recruiting officer or someone in a similar position who can guide you through the options and requirements more thoroughly.

3 months ago

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