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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Advice for writing Harvey Mudd essays?

Hi all, I'm currently working on my Harvey Mudd application, and I'm feeling a little bit stressed about the supplemental essays. Any tips or advice on writing these? What do they want to see in a strong application? Thanks for any help you can give!

a year ago

Hey there! It's normal to feel some stress during the application process, especially when writing supplemental essays. The key to Harvey Mudd essays, like any other college essays, is to showcase your personality, unique experiences, and what you bring to the table. Here are some quick tips to help you with your essays:

1. Answer the prompt clearly: Admissions officers expect you to answer the question posed in the prompt. Make sure your essay directly addresses the topic and stays focused on it.

2. Be genuine: Write about your real experiences and passions. Avoid trying to guess what the admissions officers want to hear - they're more interested in getting to know the real you.

3. Show your fit with Harvey Mudd: Highlight aspects that demonstrate your alignment with the college's values, academic programs, and campus culture. This will help show the admissions team why you're a good fit for their institution.

4. Proofread and revise: Give yourself plenty of time to revise your essays and have someone check your work. Grammatical errors or spelling mistakes can distract the reader from your main message.

Good luck with your essays and application! I'm sure you'll do great!

a year ago

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