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Summer Opportunities: Are high school medical summer programs worth it?

I'm a junior interested in pre-med. I've found some high school medical summer programs that are pretty pricey, so I'm wondering if they're actually beneficial for college admissions or should I just stick to volunteering at my local clinic?

a year ago

It's important to weigh the benefits of any summer activity, especially if they're as costly as the medical summer programs you mentioned. These programs can be valuable in terms of providing hands-on experiences and insights into the medical field, but from a college admissions perspective, they may not hold a significant advantage over volunteering at your local clinic.

Consider what you hope to gain from the program and compare it to the experiences and skills you can acquire through volunteering. Volunteering can also demonstrate a commitment to your community and display your ability to directly contribute, which is highly valued among college admissions committees. It's crucial to focus on quality rather than quantity, so dedicating your time to volunteer work where you can deeply engage and make an impact might be more advantageous than attending an expensive summer program. The decision ultimately depends on your personal goals and how you believe the program will benefit your college application and overall growth.

a year ago

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