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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can attending the Malcolm Bernard HBCU Fair increase my chances of admission?

Hello, y'all! As a junior starting to think about college, I heard about the Malcolm Bernard HBCU Fair. How useful is attending something like this? Do you think it could boost my chances of getting into an HBCU?

a year ago

Hey! The Malcolm Bernard HBCU Fair can definitely be a useful event to attend for prospective college students. While attending the fair in and of itself may not have a direct impact on your chances of admission, the experiences and connections you can gain there could be very helpful. You'll have the chance to meet with admissions representatives from various HBCUs, ask questions, and learn more about the schools you're interested in.

Building relationships with these representatives can be valuable, as presenting yourself well and showing genuine interest could make you memorable. Additionally, some schools at the fair offer on-site admission opportunities and even scholarships, so there's definitely a potential for a positive outcome. I'd recommend that you attend the fair with a prepared list of questions and a professional demeanor, making sure to follow up later on with any contacts you make. Overall, attending the HBCU Fair could be a great step in your college admission journey!

a year ago

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