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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Extra High School Opportunities?

Hey everyone! As a junior, I'm starting to feel the pressure of college applications approaching. I was wondering if any of you have advice on extra opportunities in high school that can boost my resume and make me stand out to college admissions officers. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey! I understand the college application pressure, and you're looking in the right direction to stand out. Here are some ideas for extra opportunities to boost your resume:

1. Volunteer work: Look for local organizations or clubs that need help. Variety is great, but also try to find opportunities that align with your interests and intended major.

2. Internships: Apply for internships or job-shadowing opportunities related to the field you're interested in. Contact companies or speak with a counselor to find out more.

3. Competitions: Academic, art, or sports competitions are great ways to showcase your talent. The more prestigious, the better!

4. Research projects: If you're into STEM or social sciences, look for research opportunities. Professors, local researchers, or summer programs are good places to start. You can also do your own independent research.

5. Start or lead a club: It’s never too late to show your initiative by starting a club or taking on a leadership role (president, treasurer, etc.) within an existing club.

Remember, focus on things you're truly passionate about and aim for quality over quantity. Good luck!

a year ago

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