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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Joining NHS Late - Is Senior Year Too Late?

I didn't think much about it before, but now I’m considering joining the National Honor Society, and I'm already a senior. Is it too late for me to join, and even if I can, will colleges care since it’s so late in high school?

a year ago

It's definitely not too late to join National Honor Society (NHS) as a senior, and there can still be benefits to doing so. While joining earlier in your high school career might have given you more opportunities to take on leadership roles or participate in community service projects that NHS is known for, becoming a member in your senior year still reflects your commitment to the organization's pillars: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. When it comes to college admissions, involvement in extracurriculars is often about depth and contribution rather than just timing. If you engage actively and contribute meaningfully to the NHS in your senior year, it can still be a positive addition to your college applications.

However, remember that admissions officers look for sustained involvement and leadership in activities, so it will be important for you to highlight how your late involvement in NHS aligns with other longstanding commitments and interests you’ve shown throughout high school. All that said, if NHS aligns with your values and interests, I encourage you to join and make the most of your senior year involvement!

a year ago

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