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Common App Prompt 6: Topics To Avoid or Go For?

I'm brainstorming ideas for Common App Prompt 6 which is all about being captivated by a topic or idea. What should I avoid talking about to make sure my essay stands out? And conversely, what are some go-to topics that adcoms love to read about? Would really appreciate some guidance!

11 months ago

When approaching Common App Prompt 6, it's important to focus on showcasing your unique qualities and interests. To make your essay stand out, I suggest avoiding generic themes or topics that many students might write about—for example, popular technology trends like AI or a fascination with social media platforms. Instead, look for a subject that genuinely intrigues you and connects with your personality, interests, or future aspirations.

Remember, admissions officers read hundreds or even thousands of essays, so your essay needs to be memorable. When selecting a topic, think about what aspects of your life or experiences are noteworthy and unusual, and use these as a basis for your reflection. It could be a passion for an obscure topic (e.g., the art of ancient civilizations), a unique hobby (e.g., herpetology, the study of reptiles), a personal exploration, or a problem you aimed to solve. The guiding principle here is to choose a subject where you can authentically convey your curiosity and commitment.

Furthermore, consider avoiding cliché topics like a love for science, music, sports, or other common interests that don't allow you to showcase your uniqueness. Instead, dig deeper into your personal motivations and past experiences to show the reader who you are and how your interest in the topic has impacted your life or growth. You could pick one of these more generic topics, but you need to take a unique perspective on it—for example, instead of a passion for music you could describe your fascination with Vivaldi's composing style, as an avid violin player.

When writing your essay, it's essential to explain not only why you're drawn to the topic but also how you have explored and engaged with it. Share anecdotes, personal experiences, or achievements that demonstrate your passion and engagement. Most importantly, keep the focus on yourself—utilize this opportunity to showcase your genuine interest, determination, and self-driven learning.

Finally, remember that there's no universal topic that adcoms love—applicants should stay true to themselves and pick a subject that speaks to their own distinct passions and experiences. Good luck with your essay!

11 months ago

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