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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Internship Advice: Where can I find high school remote internships?

The pandemic got me interested in remote opportunities, and I'm eager to gain some experience before college. Can someone share where to look for remote internships suitable for high school students?

a year ago

I'm glad to hear you're looking for remote internships as a high school student! There are several resources and places to search for remote internships, such as Indeed,, and LinkedIn. To find remote opportunities suitable for high school students, make sure to search for entry-level positions or use search terms like 'high school' or 'remote student internships'. You may also find this CollegeVine post helpful:

Additionally, you might benefit from talking to your school's college and career center or reaching out to your network (teachers, friends, family) who might have information about remote opportunities. Don't forget to utilize your extracurricular interests or specific fields you want to explore as keywords during your search. This will help to narrow down your options and find internships tailored to your interests and skills. Good luck in your search, and remember to customize your resume and cover letter to fit the specific internships you apply for!

a year ago

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