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Outcomes of the MD HBCU Lawsuit

Hi all, I've been reading up on the MD HBCU lawsuit and was wondering if anyone knows what the outcomes were? Also, how could these outcomes potentially affect students choosing to attend an HBCU in Maryland?

9 months ago

Hello! The MD HBCU lawsuit you mentioned is a lengthy legal battle involving four Maryland Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Bowie State University, Coppin State University, Morgan State University, and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. These schools sued the state of Maryland on the grounds of underfunding and program duplication that they believed perpetuated segregation and caused harm to the HBCUs.

In 2020, after years of litigation, a settlement was reached for $577 million in additional funding for these HBCUs over a ten-year period, starting in the Fiscal Year 2023. This funding aims to strengthen academic programs, provide scholarships and financial aid, and improve marketing, among other aspects.

For students considering an HBCU in Maryland, the settlement should lead to improvements in academic programs, financial support, and campus resources. These enhancements could positively impact their educational experience and make these HBCUs more attractive to a wider range of prospective students. Keep in mind that change may take time to implement, but ultimately it should contribute to better opportunities for students at these institutions.

9 months ago

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