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Looking for finance-related competitions for high schoolers

Hey everyone! I'm really interested in finance and economics, and I want to participate in some finance competitions during my junior year. Can anyone suggest any well-known competitions or events I can get involved in? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great to hear you're passionate about finance and economics. There are several well-known competitions and events you can consider participating in during your junior year:

1. The National Economics Challenge: This annual competition is organized by the Council for Economic Education and tests students' knowledge in the areas of micro and macroeconomics, as well as international and current events.

2. The Stock Market Game: This is a simulated stock trading competition where students work in teams to manage a virtual investment portfolio and aim to grow its net worth over the course of several months.

3. The Fed Challenge: In this competition, teams of students take on the role of monetary policymakers, analyzing economic data and presenting their recommendations to a panel of judges typically consisting of Federal Reserve Bank economists and staff.

4. The Global Investment Research Challenge: Organized by the CFA Institute, this challenge requires student teams to perform detailed research on a company, create a research report, and present their findings.

Best of luck with your finance and economics pursuits!

a year ago

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