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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does being deferred in ED affect my chances at Columbia?

A little stressed here as I work on my ED application to Columbia. If I get deferred, what does that really mean for my odds of getting accepted in the regular decision round? Are there stats or experiences out there to calm my nerves?

a year ago

Being deferred in the Early Decision (ED) round means your application will be reconsidered in the Regular Decision (RD) round, but your chances may be slightly lower. Columbia's acceptance rate for the ED round tends to be higher than the RD round, as applying ED shows strong commitment to the school.

Although there aren't specific public statistics for deferred applicants, you can still improve your chances after a deferral by sending updates and letters of continued interest to Columbia's admissions office. These updates may include new accomplishments, awards, or increased test scores. Since being deferred does not necessarily mean you've been disqualified from the applicant pool, maintaining a positive outlook and demonstrating genuine interest in Columbia can be beneficial during the RD round.

Keep in mind that the acceptance scenario for deferred applicants may vary each year, and it's helpful to stay focused on strengthening your application for RD rather than worrying excessively about the deferral rate.

a year ago

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