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How do you start a high school journalism club?

Hey everyone, I've got a passion for writing and I noticed my school doesn't have a journalism club or newspaper. What are the steps to starting one, and how can it impact my college apps?

a year ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're looking to start a journalism club at your school. To get started, follow these steps:

1. Research your school's club requirements: Different schools have different processes for approving new clubs. Check with your school administration or guidance office to learn about the necessary steps.

2. Find a faculty sponsor: Many schools require clubs to have a dedicated faculty sponsor. Reach out to a teacher or staff member who's interested in helping with the journalism club. I'd recommend checking with an English teacher who might be able to advise on writing.

3. Gauge student interest: Talk to your peers and see if others are interested in joining the club. You'll want to have a core group of members who are just as passionate about journalism as you are.

4. Draft a club constitution: Write a constitution outlining the club's purpose, mission, and structure. Incorporate any requirements from your school administration.

5. Submit your proposal: Once you have everything, submit your club proposal to the relevant school authority for approval. Be prepared for any revisions or additional steps they might request.

As for how this could impact your college applications, creating and leading a journalism club would fall into the Tier 3 category of extracurriculars—highlighting your interests and leadership skills. Being proactive and establishing a club, and perhaps even a school newspaper, will show colleges your dedication to journalism and your ability to make a positive impact on your school community. Good luck!

a year ago

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