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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some unique extracurricular activities to consider for college applications?

I'm looking to diversify my extracurricular involvement and strengthen my college applications. Are there any unique or uncommon activities that you guys are participating in that you'd recommend? I'd love to explore new possibilities!

a year ago

I'm glad you're open to exploring new possibilities when it comes to extracurriculars! Standing out with unique activities can definitely make a difference in the admissions process. Here are a few ideas:

1. Start your own community service project or nonprofit organization. This could be anything from organizing a local clean-up effort to creating an initiative that pairs senior citizens with students for tutoring or storytelling.

2. Try your hand at entrepreneurship. Launch an online store, develop an app, or create a unique product that solves a problem or fulfills a need within your community.

3. Write for online publications or start your own blog, focusing on a niche topic that you're passionate about. It could be anything from environmental activism to book reviews.

4. Pick up a unique hobby or skill, like beekeeping, calligraphy, or glassblowing. You could even look for opportunities to teach these skills to others in your community.

5. Get involved with an interdisciplinary competition like Odyssey of the Mind, a problem-solving contest that requires participants to think outside the box and exhibit a wide range of skills.

Remember, being genuinely passionate and dedicating time and effort into an activity will make it stand out even more. Best of luck in finding something that excites you!

a year ago

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