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SAT: 720 math
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Double Major at Stanford

Hey everyone, I'm considering applying to Stanford, and I'm curious about their double major options. If any current or former Stanford students or anyone who knows how flexible Stanford is with double majoring could share their insights, I'd be so grateful. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! My child is a current student at Stanford, and from what they've shared with me, Stanford is pretty flexible when it comes to pursuing a double major. They have many friends who are double majoring in different fields, ranging from engineering to humanities. It can be challenging due to the extra course load, but it is doable.

The key to success with a double major is planning ahead and working closely with your academic advisors. They can help you map out a schedule and ensure that you're meeting the necessary requirements for both majors. Additionally, Stanford's academic quarter system offers more flexibility to take classes in different fields, which could be beneficial if you decide to double major.

In short, Stanford is accommodating to students interested in pursuing more than one field of study, but it's essential to plan it out and remain organized throughout the process. Best of luck to you!

a year ago

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