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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How many AP classes needed for Stanford?

Hi! I'm a junior thinking about applying to Stanford and I need some advice. How many AP classes should I take to be a competitive applicant? Is it better to challenge myself more or focus on fewer classes to maintain a higher GPA?

a year ago

Hi! I understand you're interested in applying to Stanford and have questions regarding AP classes. While there is no specific number of AP classes required for any college, including Stanford, it's important to challenge yourself academically and demonstrate that you can handle rigorous coursework. Keep in mind that quality is more significant than quantity, so taking a reasonable amount of AP classes that you're genuinely interested in will be better than overloading yourself with courses you don't enjoy.

A good rule of thumb is to aim for the most challenging course load you can handle without sacrificing your GPA or overall well-being. Stanford and many other competitive institutions value both academic rigor and good grades, so balancing these aspects is crucial. Evaluate your interests, strengths, and capacity to handle the workload when deciding on the number of AP classes to take.

Try looking into the academic profile of accepted students to gauge the level of course rigor usually seen in competitive applicants. Ultimately, it would be best to prioritize a few AP classes that interest you or are relevant to your intended major while maintaining a strong GPA. Good luck!

a year ago

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