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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What makes for a standout counselor recommendation for the Common App?

Hey guys, could use some advice. I'm figuring out the whole recommendation letter thing on the Common App and I’m wondering what I should tell my counselor to focus on that could really make my recommendation stand out. Thoughts?

a year ago

Hi there! It's wonderful that you're being proactive about your recommendation letters. A standout counselor recommendation often highlights a student's personal qualities, resilience, and contributions to the school community that aren't immediately apparent from grades or test scores.

Encourage your counselor to share specific anecdotes that demonstrate your character, such as times you've faced challenges with determination or stepped up as a leader in school. For example, if there was a project or event that you were instrumental in making a success, that would be great to mention.

Additionally, if your counselor can speak to your growth over your high school career, as well as how you interact with peers and teachers, it can really add depth to your application. Remember, the goal of the recommendation is to provide a comprehensive picture of who you are as a student and person, so don't shy away from letting your counselor know about your key accomplishments or the impacts you've made. Best of luck!

a year ago

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