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Impact of HBCU accreditation loss on admissions?

Hey everyone, I've been hearing about some HBCUs possibly losing accreditation and I'm kinda worried. How does this affect the college admissions process and the value of a degree from these institutions? Would it be risky to apply to these schools now?

a year ago

Losing accreditation is indeed a concerning issue, and it's great that you're staying informed about it. First, let me assure you that not all HBCUs are at risk of losing accreditation; it's important to research and look into the specific schools you're interested in applying to.

If a school loses its accreditation, it could affect financial aid eligibility (as federal financial aid is tied to accreditation) and the perceived value of the degree earned there. It can also impact credit transferability if you decide to switch schools later on, as accredited institutions may not accept non-accredited coursework.

As for the application process, there may be little to no immediate effect, but do consider the potential long-term consequences. My recommendation would be to prioritize applying to accredited HBCUs and even consider applying to additional schools (HBCU or otherwise) where you feel you could thrive.

You can diversify your applications to ensure you have options, keeping in mind that accreditation status may change over time. As always, research and carefully evaluate the schools on your list, as well as any recent news about their financial and academic standing.

a year ago

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