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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Any recommendations for a free college essay editor?

Hi! I'm working on my college essays, and I want to make sure they're the best they can be before I submit them. Does anyone know of a reputable and free college essay editing service? I appreciate any help you can offer!

a year ago

Hello! College essay editing can definitely make a difference in ensuring your essays are top-notch. CollegeVine offers a free peer essay review service. You can submit your essay and receive feedback from fellow students who are in the same situation as you.

While it may not be a 'professional' editing service, it's a useful tool for getting a fresh perspective on your writing. Plus, it's always great to have more eyes on your work, especially those who can relate to the college application process. You can find this service here:

Remember, the best way to improve your essay is to consider multiple viewpoints and refine it accordingly. Good luck with your essays, and I hope you find CollegeVine's peer essay review helpful!

a year ago

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