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What's the history behind the oldest HBCU in the country?

Hey everyone, I've been researching HBCUs and got really curious. Can someone tell me more about the oldest HBCU in the country and its historical significance? I think knowing the past can really help appreciate these institutions more!

a year ago

Hello! The oldest Historically Black College and University (HBCU) in the United States is Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, which was established in 1837. Its inception can be traced back to Richard Humphreys, a Quaker philanthropist, who bequeathed $10,000 to establish a school for the education of African Americans.

The school was initially known as the African Institute and later as the Institute for Colored Youth. In its early years, the institution focused on providing young African American students with teaching and industrial skills. Later, the school expanded its curriculum and evolved into a full-fledged university.

Cheyney University has played a significant role in the history of HBCUs and the broader civil rights movement. Its legacy in providing educational opportunities for Black students during a time when segregation was still prevalent highlights the resilience and necessity of HBCUs in our society. I hope this brief overview has shed some light on the rich history of this institution!

a year ago

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