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Seeking Opportunities: How to find science internships for high school students?

Everyone says internships are important for college apps, especially for STEM fields. How do high schoolers find internships in science specifically?

a year ago

You're right—internships and research experiences can be valuable components of a college application, particularly for students interested in STEM fields. Here are a few strategies you can use to find science-related internships as a high school student:

1. Local universities: Many universities have summer research programs for high school students. Reach out to professors or check the university websites to explore available opportunities.

2. National programs: There are numerous well-known national programs, such as the Simons Summer Research Program, Research Science Institute, or the NIH Summer Internship Program, that offer high school students the chance to participate in cutting-edge scientific research.

3. Networking: Talk to your science teachers, guidance counselor, or other relevant adults in your community who may have connections with local research institutions, companies, or organizations in need of interns.

4. Job boards: Check out online job boards, such as or, and search for positions tailored to high school students with interests in the sciences.

5. Direct outreach: If there is a specific research institute, company, or organization that you're interested in, don't hesitate to reach out to them directly to inquire about potential internships or shadowing opportunities.

Remember, persistence is key in this process, so don't be discouraged if you don't land an internship right away. Keep searching and applying, and you'll eventually find an opportunity that suits you. Good luck!

a year ago

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