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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Internship opportunities for high school students in business?

Looking to gain some real-world business experience while still in high school. Does anyone know of any internships or programs that accept high school students?

a year ago

Absolutely, it's fantastic that you're looking to get hands-on business experience while you're still in high school. Many companies are open to high school interns, especially if you demonstrate a strong interest and some foundational knowledge in business.

Look for local startups or small businesses in your area—these are often more flexible and may not have formal internship programs, making them more receptive to creating a position for a motivated student like you. Additionally, you could check out organizations such as Junior Achievement, which may offer opportunities to work with business professionals.

Some universities also host summer business programs for high school students which are worth exploring. Remember to also leverage your school's alumni network and your personal contacts. Networking plays a key role in finding these kinds of opportunities, and you never know who might be able to introduce you to your future internship supervisor.

If you're struggling to find a formal internship, you might consider asking to shadow a business professional or even volunteering your time to support a business. The experience and connections can be just as valuable!

a year ago

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