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Got any creative college essay title ideas?

Hi everyone! I'm working on my college essays right now, and I'm stuck on creating a catchy title. Does anyone have fun examples or tips on how to come up with creative titles for college essays? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great to see you're focusing on the little details like your essay title. It can add a nice touch and make your essay stand out in the admissions process. Here are a few ideas on how to come up with creative titles:

1. Play with words: Try using puns, alliterations, or a play on words that relates to your essay topic. For example, if your essay is about your passion for music, a fun title could be 'Between the Lines and the Strings: A Symphony of Life'.

2. Ask a question: A thought-provoking question can be an interesting way to entice the reader. For example, 'Can You Really Find Joy In A World Of Competition?'

3. Use a quote: You can incorporate a relevant quote or saying in your title that can set the tone for your essay. For example, 'Finding My Way: In the Footsteps of J.R.R. Tolkien', if your essay talks about your love of literature.

Remember to keep the title intriguing but also relevant to your essay's content. Ultimately, the title should work to pique the curiosity of the admissions reader so they're eager to dive into your essay. Good luck!

a year ago

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