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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How important are football programs in choosing an HBCU?

I’ve been hearing a lot about HBCU pride and their football teams, and I'm super into sports. Can someone fill me in on how much the football scene should influence my decision on which HBCU to attend?

a year ago

I totally understand your enthusiasm for sports and wanting to enjoy a vibrant football experience while attending an HBCU! It's true that HBCU football programs can be a significant source of school pride and can contribute to an exciting campus atmosphere. Having said that, it's essential to balance your interest in football with other factors when choosing a college.

First and foremost, focus on the academic programs and resources offered by each HBCU and determine if they align with your goals and interests. Additionally, take a closer look at campus life, student organizations, and other non-athletic extracurricular activities that might pique your interest. It’s also vital to consider factors such as location, campus size, and financial aid offerings.

While a thriving football program can certainly enhance your college experience, it's important to remember that your primary goal is pursuing an education that'll set you up for success in the future. By all means, incorporate football into your decision-making process, but be sure to prioritize academics and other crucial factors as well. Good luck in your college search!

a year ago

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