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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Looking for College Essay Application Examples

I'm starting to work on my college application essays and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Can anyone recommend resources for finding good examples of successful essays? I'd like to get a better understanding of what colleges are looking for in these essays.

9 months ago

I understand that college application essays can feel overwhelming, but it's great that you want to see examples of successful essays. There are actually several resources that can help you with this. One of the best places to start is CollegeVine, which offers a range of valuable resources to assist students with their college applications, including free guides, expert advice, and essay examples from previous applicants with analyses.

Another option is to check out books on college essays, which often include real-life examples and insights from admissions officers. Books like '50 Successful Harvard Application Essays' or '100 Successful College Application Essays' can be quite helpful. You can find these at your local library or bookstore, or even online. Remember, though, that each student's story is unique, so the most important thing is to be genuine and convey your own voice and experiences in your essay.

Additionally, websites like the Common App itself and individual college websites may provide some essay prompts and guidance for crafting your own piece. Good luck with your college application essays! I'm sure you'll create something engaging and authentic.

9 months ago

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