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SAT: 720 math
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How do HBCUs rank in terms of diversity?

Hey everyone, as I'm researching colleges, I’ve been particularly interested in HBCUs. Can you guys share which HBCUs are known for having the most diverse student body? Diversity is a big factor for me, and I'd love to hear your thoughts or experiences.

11 months ago

Hi there! That's a great question to ask as you look into attending an HBCU. While Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) primarily serve African American students, many of them do have diverse student bodies. Each HBCU has its own unique mix of students from different backgrounds, so it's essential to research their demographics to understand their diversity better.

HBCUs like Howard University, Spelman College, and Morehouse College often stand out for their overall quality and sizeable diverse student populations. While some of the diversity comes from international and non-black students, these schools also have students from across the United States and different socioeconomic backgrounds.

I recommend checking out college websites and visiting CollegeVine to find demographic statistics for specific HBCUs. To get a better feel for campus culture, consider attending college tours or talking to current students to get their perspective on diversity at the school. I hope this helps!

11 months ago

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