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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Difficulties of the SAT

Hey y'all! I'm planning to take the SAT soon and wanted to know how difficult it is, especially compared to the ACT. Can you guys share your experiences and maybe give some tips on how to prepare?

a year ago

Hey there! It's natural to wonder about the difficulty of the SAT compared to the ACT. Generally speaking, the SAT focuses more on reasoning and problem-solving skills, whereas the ACT is more content-based. It's important to keep in mind that each test has its unique challenges and one might be better suited for your strengths than the other.

One key difference between the SAT and ACT is the math section. In the SAT, you'll find math divided into two portions — one involving the use of a calculator, and one without. However, the ACT provides a single math section where a calculator is allowed throughout. Another distinction is that the ACT has a separate science section, which the SAT doesn't have. Though this section primarily tests data interpretation and reasoning skills rather than scientific knowledge, some students may find it more challenging.

To prepare for the SAT, start by taking a diagnostic test to identify your strengths and weaknesses. The College Board offers free SAT practice tests and resources on their website. Familiarizing yourself with the question types and test structure can help alleviate anxiety. Create a study plan that focuses on your weaker areas and practice consistently over time. To make a well-informed decision on which test to take, you might also consider taking a practice ACT test and comparing your results. Ultimately, it's about finding the test that best showcases your skills and academic abilities. Good luck!

a year ago

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