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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does participation in NSLC look good on college apps?

I'm thinking about applying to the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) this summer and I'm wondering if it'll be beneficial for my college applications. Has anyone participated in NSLC and can share their experience or thoughts on its impact during the admissions process? Thanks!

a year ago

Participating in programs like the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) will not help your application much since the program is not very selective and is "pay-to-play". NSLC participation falls into the Tier 4 extracurricular category, which is relatively common among applicants. It's important to focus on having a well-rounded set of extracurricular activities, including some in Tier 1 and Tier 2. You can learn more about how colleges evaluate extracurriculars here:

Participating in NSLC will allow you, however, to explore potential career fields, develop leadership skills, and engage with like-minded students from around the country or even the world. The experience of attending NSLC may also help you write on unique experiences when crafting your college essays. So, if you have the budget, it may still be an interesting experience; you just shouldn't count on it looking prestigious on your apps.

For more impressive leadership programs that are more selective and lower-cost, check out this list: Good luck!

a year ago

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