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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What exactly is a Presidential Scholarship?

I've heard of Presidential Scholarships, but I'm not sure if they're full-ride scholarships or if they only cover part of the tuition. Can anyone help clarify this for me? Thanks!

9 months ago

A Presidential Scholarship is a type of merit-based scholarship awarded by some colleges and universities. The exact benefits and requirements vary from school to school, but generally, Presidential Scholarships are prestigious and highly competitive.

They may offer a range of financial awards, from partial-tuition coverage to full-ride scholarships (covering tuition, fees, room and board, and sometimes additional expenses). To qualify, you typically need to demonstrate outstanding academic achievements and strong leadership skills.

Make sure to check the specific details and criteria for the Presidential Scholarship at each college you're interested in, as the scholarship may cover different percentages of your tuition or may have varying application requirements. I hope this helps clarify the concept of Presidential Scholarships for you!

9 months ago

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