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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Largest Enrollment Universities

Hi! I'm currently researching colleges and I was curious about which universities have the largest enrollment. Can someone please provide a list or some examples of the largest enrollment universities in the U.S.? Thank you!

a year ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help you out! Here are some examples of universities in the U.S. with the largest enrollment. Keep in mind that enrollment numbers can change over time, but this should give you a general idea.

1. University of Central Florida (UCF)

2. The Ohio State University

3. Texas A&M University

4. Florida International University

5. University of Florida

6. Arizona State University

7. The Pennsylvania State University

8. Rutgers University

9. Indiana University Bloomington

10. California State University, Fullerton

This list includes a mix of public and private institutions, and it's worth noting that the numbers refer to both undergraduate and graduate students. It's important to remember that larger universities might offer more resources, programs, and social opportunities, but they may also have larger class sizes and more competition when it comes to registering for classes or applying for housing.

Feel free to look into each of these universities to see what they offer and how they align with your personal preferences and academic goals. Good luck with your college search!

a year ago

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