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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Great Key Club activities and projects?

I just joined Key Club and I'm looking for some ideas for community service projects or activities. What have you or your club done in the past that was successful and enjoyable?

9 months ago

It's awesome that you've joined Key Club and are looking to make a positive impact! Here are a few ideas for community service projects that can be fun and engaging:

1. Food or clothing drives: Collect non-perishable food items or gently-used clothing to donate to local shelters or food banks. Participation could be incentivized with friendly competition among club members or classes.

2. Park or beach clean-ups: Gather your club members and spend a day cleaning up a local park or beach. This is a great way to give back to your community and spend time outdoors.

3. Tutoring or mentoring: Partner with local schools or after-school programs to offer tutoring or mentoring services. It's a great way to help younger students and build connections in your community.

4. Fundraising events: Organize events like car washes, bake sales, or charity walks to raise money for a specific cause or organization. Involve the whole club and get creative with it!

These are just a few examples, and the possibilities are endless. Your Key Club might want to focus on projects that align with your community's specific needs. Good luck, and have fun with your initiatives!

9 months ago

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