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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Leadership Roles in School

Hey guys, I want to gain some experience in leadership positions before applying to college. Can you share some examples of common leadership roles in high school clubs or organizations? Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hi there! It's a great idea to get involved in leadership positions during your high school years. Here are some common leadership roles in high school clubs and organizations:

1. Club President: This person leads a specific club, oversees club activities, and is responsible for managing the club’s executive board.

2. Vice President: The VP assists the club president and takes on the president's duties if they're absent.

3. Secretary: This role involves taking meeting minutes, maintaining club records, and handling club correspondence.

4. Treasurer: The treasurer manages the club's finances, sets a budget, and may be involved in fundraising efforts.

5. Event Coordinator: The event coordinator is in charge of planning and organizing club events, meetings, and other activities.

6. Volunteer/Community Service Coordinator: This role involves planning and managing community service and volunteer opportunities for club members.

Remember, the earlier you start getting involved in leadership roles, the more experience you'll have to showcase on your college applications. Good luck!

a year ago

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