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Ivy League GPA requirements?

Hi all! I was wondering if anyone knows what the GPA requirements are for Ivy League schools. I know they're competitive, but is there a specific range or average I should be aiming for?

a year ago

Hello! You're correct that Ivy League schools have competitive admissions processes, and GPA is an important factor. While there aren't specific GPA 'requirements' for these schools, there are general ranges within which most admitted students fall.

Generally, a GPA of 4.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) is considered competitive for these institutions. However, keep in mind that other factors, such as course rigor, will also play a role when evaluating your GPA.

The average GPA of admitted students varies from one Ivy League school to another. For example, the average weighted GPA of admitted students at Princeton University is around 4.18, while at Brown University, the average is closer to 4.08.

That being said, it's important to remember that even if your GPA is within these ranges, there are no guarantees of admission, as these schools have a holistic admissions process taking multiple factors into account. In short, aim for a high GPA, while also focusing on other aspects of your application, such as extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations.

a year ago

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