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Ivy League early decision acceptance rates?

Hey everyone! I'm doing research on Ivy League schools and I'm curious about their early decision acceptance rates. Can anyone provide me with information on these rates and how they compare to regular decision rates?

a year ago

Hey there! I'm happy to help provide some information about early decision acceptance rates for Ivy League schools. Generally, early decision acceptance rates for these institutions tend to be higher than those for regular decision. Please note that these rates may vary slightly from year to year.

Here are the estimated early decision acceptance rates for Ivy League schools:

1. Brown University: 17%

2. Columbia University: 15%

3. Cornell University: 23%

4. Dartmouth College: 24.9%

5. Harvard University: 13.9% (strictly speaking, Harvard offers a restrictive early action program, not early decision)

6. University of Pennsylvania: 18%

7. Princeton University: 14.7% (similar to Harvard, Princeton has a single-choice early action program)

8. Yale University: 13.8% (Yale also has a single-choice early action program)

Comparatively, regular decision acceptance rates are lower for these schools, typically ranging from 4% to 10%. While applying early decision or early action can result in a higher likelihood of acceptance, it's important to keep in mind that the applicant pool's overall strength and academic qualifications may also differ from those of the regular decision pool.

I hope this information helps guide your college research! Good luck as you continue exploring and applying to schools.

a year ago

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