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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How hard is AP US Government?

I'm debating whether to take AP US Government next year but I'm not sure if it's too difficult for me. Can anyone who took the class provide some insight on the difficulty level? Much appreciated!

a year ago

Hey there! AP US Government can vary in difficulty depending on your strengths and interests. If you have a genuine interest in government and politics, the class should be engaging and manageable. The course covers topics like the Constitution, political beliefs, political parties, and the branches of government. To succeed in the class, you'll need to keep up with reading assignments, participate in class discussions, and memorize key terms, concepts, and court cases.

I suggest you talk to your school's AP US Government teacher or students who have taken the course to get an idea of what to expect at your specific school. If you generally perform well in social studies or humanities courses, you might enjoy the class and find it manageable. Keep in mind that if you take the AP exam and score well, you could potentially earn college credit, which is always a bonus!

Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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